哈利·波特20周年:回到霍格沃茨 Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts (2022)
当邻国 Veragua 突然袭击了库拉索和阿鲁巴时,荷兰政府完全没有预料到这一突发事件。
When neighboring country Veragua suddenly attacks Curaçao and Aruba, the Dutch government is taken completely by surprise. The conflict escalates rapidly. Three young Dutch Corps recruits must figure out what is the right thing to do.
当邻国 Veragua 突然袭击了库拉索和阿鲁巴时,荷兰政府完全没有预料到这一突发事件。冲突迅速升级。三名年轻的荷兰军团新兵必须弄清楚应该做出什么正确的选择。