We are committed to providing users with a safer, faster and simpler App sharing site. 我们致力于为用户提供一个 更安全、更快速 、 更简单的mac分享站。
Safer / 更安全
All apps have not been modified, only renamed, you can check the file hash which inside the DMG package. 所有App都未进行过任何修改,您可以通过App内的hash校验工具进行HASH比对。
All apps are from the TNT team, HCiSO team, MAS(Mac App Store) or other crack teams and open source author, we do not crack them at all. 所有App均来自TNT、HCiSO、MAS(Mac App Store)或其它破解团队及一些开源作者,我们不进行任何破解。
Faster / 更快速
Updates will be released as soon as possible. 更新及时
We upload the Apps both to cloud drive and IPFS system. 我们同时给网盘和IPFS(星际文件系统)进行分享。
We bought the cloud drive VIP account to provide you with high-speed free download service. 我们购买了网盘VIP会员,以确保为用户提供免费、全速的下载体验。
We upload the Apps to the decentralized network storage system, through the P2P protocol, we can get faster resource download service. 我们将App上传至去中心化的存储系统,通过P2P协议,可以获得更快的下载服务(基于资源的分享热度)。
Simpler / 更简单
Simple pages with simple operation, only two steps are required to complete the download. 简洁的页面,简单的操作,便可快速下载。